A alegria no dever / The joy in duty
Quando Jesus estava entre nós, recebeu certo dia a visita do apóstolo João, muito jovem ainda, que lhe disse estar incumbido, por seu pai Zebedeu, de fazer uma viagem a povoado próximo.
Era, porém, um dia de passeio ao monte e o moço achava-se muito triste.
O Divino Amigo, contudo, exortou-o a cumprir o dever.
Seu pai precisava do serviço e não seria justo prejudicá-lo.
João ouviu o conselho e não vacilou.
O serviço exigiu-lhe quatro dias, mas foi realizado com êxito.
Os interesses do lar foram beneficiados, mas Zebedeu, o honesto e operoso ancião, afligiu-se muito porque o rapaz regressara de semblante contrafeito.
O Mestre notou-lhe o semblante sombrio e, convidando-o a entendimento particular, observou:
—João, cumpriste o prometido?
—Sim — respondeu o apóstolo.
—Atendeste à Vontade de Deus, auxiliando teu pai?
—Sim — tornou o jovem, visivelmente contrariado —, acredito haver efetuado todas as minhas obrigações.
Jesus, entretanto, acentuou, sorrindo calmo:
—Então, ainda falta um dever a cumprir — o dever de permaneceres alegre por haveres correspondido à confiança do Céu.
O companheiro da Boa Nova meditou sobre a lição e fez-se contente.
A tranquilidade voltou ao coração e à fisionomia do velho Zebedeu e João compreendeu que, no cumprimento da Vontade de Deus, não podemos e nem devemos entristecer ninguém.
Espírito Meimei, do livro Pai Nosso, psicografado por Chico Xavier.
The joy in duty
When Jesus was among us, he received a visit one day from the apostle John, still very young, who told him that his father Zebedee had commissioned him to make a trip to a nearby village.It was, however, a day out on the mountain, and the young man was very sad.
The Divine Friend, however, exhorted him to fulfill his duty.
His father needed the service and it wouldn't be fair to harm him.
John listened to the advice and did not waver.
The service required him four days, but it was carried out successfully.
The interests of the home were benefited, but Zebedee, the honest and hardworking old man, was greatly distressed that the boy had returned with a disgruntled countenance.
The Master noticed his somber countenance, and, inviting him to private understanding, remarked:
—John, did you keep your promise?
"Yes," replied the apostle.
—Have you answered the Will of God by helping your father?
"Yes," said the young man, visibly annoyed, "I believe I have fulfilled all my obligations."
Jesus, however, emphasized, smiling calmly:
—Then there is still one duty to perform—the duty to remain glad that you have fulfilled the trust of Heaven.
The Good News companion meditated on the lesson and was happy.
Tranquility returned to the heart and face of old Zebedee and John understood that, in fulfilling God's Will, we cannot and must not sadden anyone.
Meimei Spirit, from the book Our Father, psychographed by Chico Xavier.
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